The Department of Oncology has one of the largest, most comprehensive cancer diagnosis and treatment programs in the world. Vijayawada Multi Speciality Hospital ( VMH ) ranks in the top tier of cancer centers in the world for cancer research, treatment, and education. The Department of Oncology works in collaboration with other departments and divisions at VMH to provide patients with all aspects of cancer care.

Adults with cancer of the COLON & RECTUM, BREAST, PROSTATE and LUNG comprise the largest number of patients seen at VMH Oncology Department. Specialists at VMH also have extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of every kind of cancer, including:



  • Brain tumors
  • Head and neck tumors
  • Sarcomas
  • Melanoma
  • Kidney cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Other gynecological cancers
  • Hepatoma
  • Biliary cancers
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Neuroendocrine cancers... etc